Encouraging Children To Save Our Environment: Start Eco Education At Young Age For Better Future 2022
Plastic bottles and containers were not widely used when I was growing up. Glass bottles and jars, as well as boxes, were mostly utilized as containers for things purchased at the shop. You didn’t hear much about recycling back then, but my parents were always teaching us kids to be environmentally conscious.
My parents primarily encouraged us to care for our environment by instilling it in us from a young age. Mom was always pointing out different plants and trees and telling us what they were called. She explained the different types of plants and how to care for them.
She would also point out the trash and go out of her way to pick it up. There was a mom before anti-littering laws, signs, and commercials. She was adamant that we not litter, but if she saw a parking lot or a beach with litter, we just knew we’d be cleaning it up. That’s how we were brought up.
This, in my opinion, is the most effective way to encourage our children to care about the environment. Teach them from a young age and make it a habit, just like brushing your teeth. If you begin when they are small, they will have no idea that they are doing anything different than everyone else in the world.
That was the case for me. I simply assumed that everyone cared about the world in which we lived. As I grew older, I was astounded to discover that this was not the case.
When I was a kid, we drank soda out of bottles rather than cans. My brothers and I used to love finding bottles because it meant a nickel at the corner store, and do you know how much candy you could get for a nickel back then? A great deal! It was quite an incentive to go out and get bottles for us.
If you have older children and the time to take them to an aluminum can recycling center, it would be a good incentive for them to start saving their cans or picking them up when they saw one. A large sack of cans can bring in a few dollars, and a couple of sacks may be enough to make it worthwhile.
Even though monetary gain should not be the primary motivation for environmental preservation, visiting recycling centers could be a fun excursion. Because there is heavy equipment, huge magnets, and a lot of noise, boys are especially drawn to these places. My son enjoyed accompanying his father.
Electricity and water conservation
My father also instilled in us the importance of conserving electricity and water by constantly reminding us that we did not own the electric company and that if we wanted any to be left for us when we grew up, we should use it wisely! Dad was always going around the house, turning off lights and keeping an eye on how long the water was running.
He actually timed it when we watered the plants or garden. We were only allowed to bathe with enough water to cover our bodies. We were still clean, so there was no need to be concerned.
Mom was always educating us about plants and gardening. Every time she planted, Mom would let each of us choose what we wanted to grow in the garden. I used to experiment with maize and tomatoes with little success. I learned how to grow a good garden via trial and error with mum as my coach throughout the years.
It was a lot of fun to plant something that you could eat later! This is a fantastic method to get your children interested in gardening and eating vegetables! Every time I went to the garden, I hoped that my next harvest would be the greatest. My brothers were often out in the fields growing watermelons since they grew so quickly and were so huge.
Whatever your kid chooses to grow, it will be a beautiful experience and an opportunity for him or her to give back to the environment. My kid adored peaches and pears and wanted to plant a tree in their honor. We finally received fruit after a few years, and she was overjoyed!
When I was growing up, we likewise made excellent use of everything in our yard. We would rake the leaves and use them as mulch on our plants. Mom taught us about the beneficial bugs in the garden, such as ladybugs, and how to get rid of the harmful pests.
Use of Natural Pesticides
Mom was always a fan of natural insecticides. Her mother and grandmother had taught her how to make homemade insecticides before her. All of this was then handed down to us, and we are now passing it on to our children.
We always had a lot of animals as kids and were taught how to care for them. We fed them, washed them, and ensured their health at all times. We had pigeons in the coop, beagles in the kennel, a French bulldog in the home, and a pet canary.
At our home, there was never a dull moment. It is beneficial for youngsters to learn how to care for animals as well as other people. Children must learn to consider other people’s needs as well as their own, as well as the needs of plants and animals.
As I already said, my mother and father were both staunchly anti-literacy. If they observed somebody trash, they would make a point of pointing it out and telling us how bad it was. We would start cleaning up garbage if we came across a cluttered parking lot or beachfront.
Mom and dad would never go across a grocery store parking lot and tread on a piece of garbage. I think that our children learn not only from what we teach them but also from what they see us do. You are the primary role model in your children’s lives, and everything you do has an impact.
My father liked to fish, and we used to spend a lot of time out on the lakes fishing. He told us everything about fish and how to maintain our lakes clean so that the fish may flourish. I also had an uncle who liked to hunt and fish, and he taught us a lot about the forest and lakes, as well as how to maintain them clean and healthy for future generations.
I think what I’m trying to convey is that you should surround your children with people who share your concerns for the environment. From the moment your children are very little, you should educate them all you can about the environment.
This will guarantee that you are creating an ecologically conscientious person who will carry on the legacy from generation to generation. Make an impression on your kid, and he or she will make an impression on everyone they encounter. Let us spread the word!
Gardening is often utilized as a getaway for folks who love the isolation of their labor. The feeling of achievement, on the other hand, maybe something that youngsters may get from this year. Another advantage is that youngsters are more inclined to include items they helped to prepare into their diets.
Children who have participated in the cultivation of herbs and vegetables are more inclined to give them at least one try. They want to consume their “work” because they are so proud of themselves.
The key to reaping the advantages of gardening on your children’s part is to make the activity enjoyable, which, unfortunately, requires them to learn.
Begin by incorporating them into the planning process. Choose the space with them and let them decide what to plant.
Make the garden an exciting experience. Reward your children, for example, for removing the area of weeds. Plants that might pique their interest in learning are also included. This may be accomplished by employing the mimosa pudica, a plant that responds to contact by folding its leaves and moving away.
Allow youngsters to help with tasks like watering and digging. When the garden bears fruit, kids will identify the reward with their labor. Use pots or containers to make your task simpler.
A common error that parents make is not letting their children participate in the full gardening process. Consider all of the life lessons you can teach them, including (or maybe particularly) your failures.
When some plants fail, don’t attempt to cover them up by replacing them with healthy ones. These failures teach children that the process isn’t always a success, but that this isn’t a cause to quit.
Gardening not only teaches children where their food comes from, but it also teaches them about responsibility, nurturing nature, and self-esteem.
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