blue geeen and orange parrot

Common Abnormal Behaviour In Birds: How To Take Care Of Your Parrots?

“Parrots are sensitive, intelligent, mischievous, strong-willed, highly affectionate, and sometimes aggressive creatures that can captivate the eye with their beauty and antics.  Parrots kept as pets live in a very unnatural environment.  To leave a parrot caged, un-socialized and on a seed-only diet is abusive.  To own a parrot is a huge responsibility that can last decades.  Purchases should not be made lightly; the same considerations used in adopting a human child should apply when adopting a parrot”.

How To Take Care Of Avian Foot & Beak Care?

In their natural habitat, parrots need a flight to escape predators and forage for food. Nails and beaks are worn down naturally by climbing in trees and foraging.

In captivity, pet birds need to have their wings, nails and in some cases, beaks trimmed to keep them safe from injury. Overgrown nails can impede proper toe alignment, this affects your bird’s ability to hold food and perch properly.

Overgrown nails can get caught in toys, tear off and bleed. Puncture wounds and scratches on your hands from razor-sharp nails serve as an uncomfortable reminder that your bird is overdue for a trim.

Don’t Let This Happen To Your Bird

How To Provide A Safe Environment For Birds & Parrots?

Your parrot’s respiratory system is very sensitive. Parrots have several air sacks, what they breathe in goes directly into their bloodstream and circulate throughout their body. Never use any airborne toxins (Aerosols, Paints, Perfumes, Non-Stick Cookware, Air Fresheners, Scented Candles, Cigarettes, etc.) around your birds.

How To Recognize Sick Birds & Parrots?

Please make sure a qualified avian veterinarian examines your bird annually. In the wild, predators go after the sick or injured birds because they make easy targets.

Because of this birds instinctively hide any signs of illness. A bird exhibiting any of the symptoms listed below is most likely too sick to hide it anymore and needs to see your AVIAN veterinarian as soon as possible.

  • Loss of vocalization                             
  • Lameness
  • Abnormal droppings
  • Wings drooped
  • Loss of appetite
  • Behavior changes
  • Change in water intake
  • Nose discharge
  • Puffed feathers, listless
  • Heavy breathing
  • Vomiting
  • Trouble perching

How To Stop Birds & Parrots From Biting?

Biting should not be taken personally. Parrots very rarely bite each other in the wild, though they often show aggression to protect territory, mates, desirable perches, foods, etc. These interactions are usually limited to body language (raising head feathers or a subtle look of the eye).

Your parrots’ natural instinct is to defend and protect what is his in order to survive. Hand raised or not, your parrot still has it’s wild instincts. Were asking our parrots to live in an unnatural environment which creates unnatural behaviors. “All behavior is a product of instinct or experience”.

Some parrots have been forced to bite out of fear or self-defense due to improper handling or body language from their owners. Most parrots do not have the option to fly away like they would in the wild, sometimes biting is the only way they know to defend themselves or express their displeasure.

Parrots display body language and vocalizations to express their feelings. However, few people ever notice. Many parrot owners are oblivious to their parrot’s subtle attempts at communication.

They fail to notice the slick feathers, or quick head movements, or other vocal displays of discomfort and fear. By this time, they have already missed the signals that have preceded this obvious show of discomfort and have pushed the bird to bite aggression.

Parrots bite for a couple of different reasons: Play, Territory protection, Fear, or learned Aggression. .The quick fixes (Hitting, Yelling, Hand Wobble, Squirting, etc.) will stop the behavior for the moment only and not teach your bird anything.

As with all behaviors, the reason why your bird is biting needs to be determined before any behavior modification can be done.

How To Stop Birds & Parrots From Feather Picking?

Most feather picking is psychological – However, there are medical reasons that cause feather picking (Bacteria, parasites, allergies, viruses, organ dysfunction, trauma, and nutritional deficiencies). It is very important that you take your bird to a qualified avian veterinarian as soon as possible.

Feather picking can become habitual very fast. The longer you wait the more chance your bird will continue feather picking even after the medical problem is addressed.

Feather picking is usually a condition of captivity. Parrots instinctively are flock animals and are always with their mates. They spend their day flying, foraging, bathing, and building nests.

A captive parrot can become frustrated, bored, and stressed living in such unnatural surroundings and chew their own feathers.

Boredom and stress is one of the most common reasons parrots start to feather pick.  Unknowing owners usually end up conditioning the behavior with some sort of dramatic response.

How To Stop Birds & Parrots From Screaming At Dawn And Dusk?

Chronic screaming, yelling and feather picking in pet birds has become the leading cause of unwanted parrots.

Screaming is one of the most natural things a parrot does – especially at dawn and dusk.  This is how parrots communicate and express themselves. Screaming can mean excitement, fear, anger, anxiety, or defining one’s territory. Screaming can easily become a learned behavior in pet parrots, “Behavior is a product of its consequence”.

It is very difficult to eliminate instinctive behavior.  Excessive screaming usually means something is wrong and needs to be addressed before it becomes habitual.

Always make sure your bird has a clean bill of health and that all basic needs are being met, Proper Environment, Diet, Stimulation, Cage placement, and Exercise.

It is also said that the pain inflicted by parrot’s self-mutilation release morphine like endorphins (brain chemicals) which have euphoric, habit forming effects. Below are some environmental problems you can start to address…….

Possible Environmental Problems

  • Dry skin, Low humidity
  • Heavy Molting
  • New pet or person in home
  • Changes in room (Furniture, pictures etc.)
  • Improper lighting, caging, perches and toy’s
  • Lack of exercise
  • Airborne toxins (cigarettes, candles, varnishes)
  • Lack of sleep 
  • Boredom, fear, and anxiety

In order to stop negative behaviors such as Screaming and Feather Picking, parrots need to connect this behavior with something unpleasant, but not associate it with the owner. 

Try to install a “ScreamEater” laser that converts electromagnetic frequencies to a highly amplified ultraviolet image.  It is designed to pinpoint any visible spot in your home from a distance (2500 Feet), yet small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.  

This makes it possible to create an unpleasant experience (Even if you in the same room with your parrot), while eliminating the possibility your parrot will connect this experience to you.   

“ScreamEater” helps control chronic negative behaviors that otherwise would result in having to get rid of your parrot due to excessive screaming or serious medical problems from feather picking.

The concept behind the “ScreamEater” is how you use it!  It enables you to put your parrot back in the jungle so their natural survival instincts come alive.  Being alert and healthy is vital to survival and is part of everyday life in the wild.

  I believe most behavior problems come from living in such unnatural surroundings. The more real we make our parrot’s environment, the better they adapt to life in captivity. 

Push the button on your “ScreamEater”  swipe the ultraviolet image across the ceiling where your bird is (Immediately upon or during undesired behavior). Parrots are very intelligent and will quickly realize this behavior is attracting some sort of danger and STOP!  You must be consistent with this!

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