Siders web with dew drops in Autumn

How To Use Weed killers – The Essential Guide For Beginners 2022

Do You Need Weed Killers?

Garden keepers know for sure that gardens are not only best places for growing fruit, berries and vegetables but also a true battlefield full of tiresome weeds. They tend to multiply fast and capture large areas. In such a way, weeds do not let young plants survive. Moreover, they remove the needed moisture from the soil, as well as useful microelements and sunlight.

Not all the weeds are equally harmful. Some of them fulfill livestock’s daily nutrition. Others are good medicinal plants used for particular purposes. However, lots of toxic weeds can be often found. The article will help to choose the best weed killer for each type of weeds and to learn about weed killers safe for dogs, cats and other pets.

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✅ Best Spectracide 96451 HG-96451 Weed & Grass Killer 

Faster Than RoundUp – The active ingredient is Diquat Dibromide. This is not Glyphosate that RoundUp uses. Spectracide Weed & Grass killer works a lot faster than others. After spraying, the next day you will see weeds wilting & turning yellowish brown. More sensitive weeds will die quicker.

How To Choose The Right Weed Killers?

Both, professional weed killers and natural weed killers are characterized by their poor selectivity that is paid attention to while being investigated. Selectivity is the difference between the anatomical and morphological building of plants. Dense-cuticled plants and their wax coating are more resistant to weed killers, as these anatomical features help block the killer from coming into the plant. In plants with narrow vertical leaves (onion, garlic, etc.) weed liquid goes down from the leaf surface and doesn’t get inside cells.

Deep-rooted sorts have high resistance to weed killers. They don’t reach the root while getting into topsoil. Among such weeds – field sow (Sonchus), mountain bluet (Centaurea montana), horsetail (Equisetum arvense), European glorybind (Convolvulus arvensis) and other perennials.

Research of weed killers gives the consideration of the peculiar effect on weeds, biological features, their penetration into the plants, terms of use, selectivity, and spectrum of activity. Every ‘participant’ is being tested under the toughest circumstances and ranges in the list of best weed killers.

Essential Knowledge About Weed Killers

  • 15 years ago a weeding Tertill robot was designed by Joe Jones. The robot is waterproof and chemical free. It doesn’t need charging, is connected to smartphones.
  • Scientists have proved that boiling water is a great weapon against little weeds. Such home made weed killer is especially used for weeds on garden paths.
  • The best time to remove weeds is after rain.
  • Not all the weeds are harmful to gardens. For instance, dandelion, garlic and white clover may appeal useful insects: ladybirds and wasps.
  • The powerful liquid fertilizer can be made from the removed weeds.

How To Apply Weed Killers?

Proper usage of weed and grass killers may increase the effectiveness. The main methods of their application are:

  1. Spraying from a spray tanker.
  2. For solid herbicides – applying with a push spreader.

There are some rules to remember:

  • avoiding rains;
  • applying in warm and sunny weather;
  • sticking to the Instructions;
  • keeping away from children and pets;
  • using weed killers while fertilizing the soil is prohibited.

How To Control Garden Weed?

  • Dig an area only when needed.
  • Leave the weeds without light.
  • Chop the plant heads off.
  • Keep an eye on the lawn and non-lawn areas after rains.
  • Stick up to the right gaps between plants.
  • Avoid weed watering.
  • Use homemade vinegar weed killers or other DIY weed killers.

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