blooming heliotrope with pleasant aroma in field

Everything You Need To Know Of The Common Heliotrope 2022 | Benefits, Uses, Remedies, Cures & Side-Effects

The Heliotrope is a medicinal plant, and its scientific name is Heliotropium peruvianum.

This medicinal plant belongs to the plant family Boraginaceae.

The Heliotrope is an evergreen shrub up to 2 m. high; stems much branched from the base, and woody.
The leaves and flowers of this herb are aromatic.

Heliotropium Peruvianum flowers grow in bunches, are small, violet, purple or white, pink or blue also, with a very pleasant smell similar to vanilla.

A characteristic of Heliotrope flowers is always looking toward the sun, hence its name (Greek Helios meaning sun and trope, back).

From the leaves and flowers of Heliotropium peruvianum is extracted essential oil used in medicine (in some cases replacing quinine) and perfumes (as the basis for many perfumes), planting gardens this flat for its excellent flavor.

The roots of Heliotropium peruvianum are highly valued by the soothing power they possess. But be careful, given that some parts of this plant are poisonous if eaten, and the leaves can irritate the touch-sensitive skins.

The heliotrope is an herb that is used as curative vulnerary, antiphlogistic, healing, purifying, diuretic, used in cases of canker sores, wounds, and malaria (as a substitute for quinine).

The Common Heliotrope is a wild year, is native to Europe, grows in cultivated fields and roads outside. It has white or lilac flowers with a strong odor that characterizes them. Its scientific name is Heliotropium europaeum and belongs to the Boraginaceae family. From antiquity to the Common Heliotrope known as a medicinal plant but now this plant is not so easy to find in the wild so their use is not widespread. All plant Common Heliotrope is active so it can be used for medicinal purposes from the roots, flowers, and leaves. The healing properties are choleretic, Febri fled, emmenagogue, healing, anti-inflammatory.

It is used to treat conditions such as warts, stimulate bile secretion, to cause and regulate menstruation, low fever, insect bites, gout, inflammation in joints. This Medicinal Plant contains some toxic substances so it should not be consumed orally long as it can damage the liver. The dose and duration of treatment should be prescribed by the doctor to avoid negative effects on health. Do not self-medicate with herbal remedies because they can damage your health especially in children, pregnant and lactating women, persons with chronic health problems who use drugs. Natural medicine is effective but requires to be continued to achieve positive results, on the other hand, should not be consumed or exceeding the doses it can cause contraindications.

Recipes from this medicinal plant:


To reap the benefits of this Medicinal Plant can be prepared a plaster which is done by cutting the leaves and placing it with their juice on the affected area for a few minutes to penetrate and relieve the condition.


The other way to use this Medicinal Herb is making an infusion in which are placed 35 grams of plant in 1 quart of boiling water 6 minutes are left covered to concentrate better, then cooled, filtered and can Drink up to 3 cups a day but it must be from 4 to 6 hours between each cup.


They should cook 100 grams, of whole MEDICINAL PLANT in 1 liter of water, the resulting liquid is referred to as wash wounds, sores, ulcers, as it has healing properties, vulnerary, antichloristic, and healing.

Preparing a decoction of 60 gr. Heliotrope per liter of water. It is a good cleanser, diuretic, is recommended in cases of inflammations of the bladder. You must have a cup on an empty stomach, preferably sweetened with honey.

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